Orthoptists are Physician Extenders

The Value of Orthoptic Providers

  • Orthoptists increase

    Productivity and Efficiency

    Orthoptists work alongside physicians to expand and increase the level of patient care they can provide. A greater number of patients can be seen and comprehensively assessed with an orthoptist on staff.

  • Orthoptists improve

    Patient Satisfaction

    Orthoptists' areas of expertise provide patients with another resource to answer their questions and address their concerns. A more streamlined and efficient assessment also makes for happier patients and parents.

  • orthoptists provide

    Patient Education

    Orthoptists have the time and expertise to ensure patients are well informed on their condition and treatment plan; leading to better treatment compliance, enhanced patient outcomes and more efficient use of physician time during clinic.

  • Orthoptists increase

    Practice Revenue

    Orthoptic services are billable. The addition of one full-time orthoptist to a practice results in up to a 50% increase in patient volume and an average of 28% increase in surgical volume (2007 Manpower Survey AAPOS members).

Areas of Knowledge

Orthoptic certification requires the completion of a 24 month clinically based training program in addition to passing written and practical boards.

  • Visual Development

    Orthoptists are experts in both performing and interpreting vision exams and visual behaviour in small and preverbal children.

  • Binocular Vision

    The direct translation of orthoptics is 'straight eyes' making the binocular vision, achieved by aligned eyes, the very core of an orthoptist's knowledge base.

  • Neuro Ophthalmology

    Orthoptists have a thorough knowledge of neuroanatomy pertaining to eye movement and visual perception. Their ability to assess and diagnose complex strabismus makes them an invaluable member of the eye care team.

  • Amblyopia

    Orthoptists have the specialized knowledge to diagnose, treat, manage and educate patients and families about amblyopia.

  • Non-surgical treatment of strabismus

    Orthoptists can manage strabismus patients non surgically with prism and/or orthoptic exercises.

  • Diplopia

    Orthoptists are specialists in binocular diplopia; determining differential diagnoses, providing accurate and repeatable exams, and providing non surgical treatment when appropriate.

Orthoptists are Advanced Practice Providers

Certified Orthoptists are highly skilled mid-level healthcare providers with expertise in complex binocular vision disorders. They enhance patient care by optimizing clinical outcomes for individuals with amblyopia, strabismus, and diplopia.

AACO Phone: 281-939-5332


Certification Questions: aoc.veronica@gmail.com

© 2025 American Association of Certified Orthoptists