AACO AND AOC® webpages

Welcome to our Orthoptic Community

This website will connect you to the American Association of Certified Orthoptists (AACO), our membership organization and the American Orthoptic Council® (AOC®), the certifying body for the orthoptic profession. Find information on; the role of an orthoptist, the conditions we treat, how to become an orthoptist, current CE opportunities and much more.

Career Center

Job Opportunities

Looking for a job in the USA? Have a vacancy for an orthoptic position? Follow the link to visit our career center for details.

Make a donation

AACO Tribute Fund

To celebrate, congratulate, and remember those people who have contributed to the field of Orthoptics and the AACO.

AACO Phone: 281-939-5332


Certification Questions: aoc.beckie@yahoo.com or 608.233.5383

© 2024 American Association of Certified Orthoptists